1. Introduction

Having watched the video Intro to UOM-IO3 Course you can go on from here with the PowerPoint presentation File No 1. There you will understand our instructional work at the UOM Department of Educational and Social Policy, through which our students develop the most useful life and career skills for their professional future in Adult and Special Education. Via description, photos and videos you are going to have a comprehensive idea of teaching and learning through drama, embodiment, role playing and outdoor education. In the end of the presentation, you may find some useful literature for further reading.

1st Module_presentation.pdf

2. Chaos Theory of Career

In File No 2 you may watch a video interview with Jim Bright, in order to better understand the Chaos Theory of Career, one of the most modern and innovative approaches to 21st century careers.


3. 21st Century Key Competences

In Key_Competences LLL_2019.pdf you will find an interesting brochure of the European Commission explaining in a brief and understandable way what is meant by Key Competences (K.C.), which ones are the eight K domains, and how and why they are so important for all today’s European Citizens.

Key_Competences LLL_2019.pdf

4. Change by Exchange

Now you may watch a video of our students’ experiential work during a project of transnational cooperation on the topic: Education to Work transition in Times of Crisis, developing through their active participation crucial life/career skills, like cooperation, responsibility, commitment, action & initiative taking, decision making etc.

Change by Exchange

5. Career Guidance Policy and Practice in the Pandemic

In CEDEFOP_CG_Pandemic_Survey_2021.pdf you may read a last but very interesting research/study on the topic Career Guidance Policy and Practice in the Pandemic, run by CEDEFOP (European Centre for Vocational Education and Training) in 2020.