A process-oriented technique that works best in between coaching sessions, to voice out, integrate as well as reveal information. The idea behind it is that we cannot work with something that is not there. Voicing out unsaid things in the clients` private time can do wonders for the raising awareness part in a coaching. And if the client is prone to this technique, it can be loads of fun!
Decide on a specific way a client is to write in between sessions and start each session with his work. Depending on what you decide, you might want to ask the client to send it to you, so you have time to go through it, or just present it at the beginning of the session. If the client chose option 4, 5 or 6, he might want to keep the text to himself but share his insights with you.
In this downloadable PDF file you can read, print out and share to your colleagues everything that has been said about writing as a coaching technique in the above videos: