The model originates from Tibetan Buddhism (Bhavachakra), where it represents the cycle of birth, rebirth and existence. Modified as a coaching tool it focuses on eight components, which are also called happiness factors in human life. It is intended to identify how an individual spends his time and how satisfied this person is about the different parts and areas that life has to offer.
The idea is to write up to eight topics in life in a circle and grade each of the topics on a scale from one to ten, the highest number being the best. Zero is in the middle of the circle. The client then reflects on each topic and with a bit of verbal analysis or additional questioning, he gives a number and marks that spot on the scale. When you connect the dots, i.e. marks, you will get a circle. How round is the circle says a lot about the clients balance in life. This is a great visual way to detect that field the client needs to work so the circle is round.
In this downloadable PDF file you can read, print out and share to your colleagues everything that has been said about the Wheel of Life as a coaching technique in the above videos: