Welcome to the 6th module of the UOM course! This module is just a glimpse into what Drama in Education (DiE) has to offer to career counselors: structure, flexibility, creativity, and development all in one. DiE is an experiential method suitable for group counseling and career decision making processes.
By studying the PowerPoint presentation below you will learn some basics about Drama in Education experiential method and may go through the activities that the participants in the UOM online workshop experienced and enacted. In the end of the presentation, you may find some interesting links to useful websites and Facebook groups which could lead you more into the method if you feel triggered enough.
In the file below you may find photos from the online UOM study visit in April 2021 and a few printable quite useful tables and charts.
Here is an illuminating journal article published in Professional Development in Education (PDE) by Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge, which explains why and how DiE method enhances teachers’ professional development.
Professional Development in Education.pdf
Here is an interesting conference paper about the implementation of DiE as an innovative tool for guidance practitioners presented at the 2017 IAEVG International Conference, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, November 2017.