1. Introduction

Welcome to ‘How to BE a confident adult educator in a virtual environment’ mini-course! Here you’ll learn the fundamentals of embodiment and voice work which will help you to project confidence in virtual environments.


2. Agenda of the Course

How are we going to navigate this mini-course? We will explore the 4 pillars of being confident in virtual settings.

What are the 4 pillars of being confident in virtual settings.pdf

3. Pillar 1: Bring up Some Energy

Zoom fatigue is a fact! Let’s explore how to boost our energy before we start an educational course!


4. Pillar 2: Connect With Your Audience

Online brings added stress and pressure which can easily create disconnection. Let’s see how to connect with our people and come across as a confident educator!


5. Pillar 3: Feel Grounded

All we deal with for the past year and a half is the unexpected. Being confident is not really easy when dealing with the unexpected, but here is a tip that can support us to feel grounded and project some confidence!